Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I recently came across a wonderful little book. Though the author, Thomas Boston, referred to it as “scribble” it is an excellent work on the subject of evangelism. Boston’s book, The Art of Manfishing, was published in 1773 but contains timeless wisdom and biblical truth that is much needed in our day when so much of evangelism is built upon fads and sensational approaches.

Christ said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). Boston’s reflections upon these words led him to see evangelism as both a promise and a duty. As followers of Christ our duty is to call others to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Thankfully, we are promised success in regard to this immense duty. Boston says that Christ makes us fishers of men “by the power of his Spirit accompanying the word they preach and the discipline they administer.” He then goes on to challenge himself (as well as his readers) not to rely upon their own gifts in evangelism.

I don’t know about you but I certainly need this reminder. I am helpless to convert sinners. I am unable to bring about spiritual rebirth. These things are not left to me or to any of us. Listen to Boston’s words,

“What thinkest thou, O my soul, of that doctrine that lays aside this power of the Spirit, and makes moral suasion all that is requisite to the fishing of men? That doctrine is hateful to thee. My soul loathes it, as attributing too much to the preacher, and too much to corrupt nature in taking away its natural impotency to good, and against the work of God’s Spirit, contrary to experience; and is to me a sign of rottenness of the heart that embraces it. Alas! That it should be owned by any among us, where so much of the Spirit’s power has been felt.”
So let us not forsake this duty to be fishers of men. Nor let us forsake this promise that the Lord Himself will make us fishers of men.

1 comment:

Kurt Strassner said...

Great book! 'The Art' was my first introduction to the man who has become one of my favorite historical heroes of the faith!